In this chapter we will make a deeper investigation about in which aspects, who participated, and how Colombia changed when the spanishmen arrived. Even though, as spoken before, the spanishmen changed many things for bad, there were some things that improved Colombia very much. Colombia was also opened to new things and different worlds: “…La gran explosion que siguió a 1492 dejó una y permanente constucción de mundos”. Book Colombia, imágenes de su diversidad (1492 a hoy) pg 77. We could also see things from the spanish point of view, and discover new stuff.
During the spanish arrival to Colombia, they lost a lot of money, people, and food, but when they arrived they took the lands, the gold, part of the Colombian culture, and gave unfair jobs to workers.
These employees worked unfairly and were payed in very small amounts with very hard work and too much hours of it. The Spaniards also took the lands and gave them to different people no matter who the original owner of the land was or what they needed. They also took the better lands (with the best weather, the bigger space, and the best ) to them.
As a conclusion, we can see that the Spaniards also lost a lot of things in their trip to Colombia and in some ways changed this country for better. But it also took away our culture and our habits, so we can see that these changes were hard to make for the spanishmen and hard to take for the natives.
Maria, In this text you have a lot of mistakes, you had the idea but i think you should explain it better.